Tobermory Light Industrial Park

Isle of Mull


This case study is included as an example of regeneration capital investment in support of inclusive growth in a rural/island setting where local economic productivity can tend to be more limited, and communities therefore more fragile.

Argyll and Bute Council was awarded £1.6m from the Regeneration Capital Grant Fund in 2017-18 for the delivery of the Tobermory Light Industrial Park on the Isle of Mull.

The project was taken forward in response to a need for quality business premises on the island, particularly for small businesses and start-ups, and the employment opportunities that would be secured by that.

Island communities such as on Mull depend on local jobs and opportunities in order to attract and maintain local population.

In this case, the project was delivered successfully, providing a 0.8 hectare purpose built, flexible business park, which is now occupied by the sorts of businesses that can be sustained locally, and therefore supporting jobs and other opportunities for local people living on Mull.

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