Regional Economic Partnerships

The Scottish Government’s Enterprise and Skills Review included plans for development of Regional Economic Partnerships (REPs) across Scotland – each with a clear economic plan for their area.

Regional Economic Partnerships are collaborations between local government, the private sector, education and skills providers, our enterprise and skills agencies, and the third sector.

The Scottish Government believes that REPs bring together regional interests, focussing and aligning resources, sharing knowledge, and identifying new joined-up plans to accelerate inclusive economic growth at a local, regional, and national level.

Prior to publication of the Enterprise and Skills Review and establishment of the city region and growth deal programme in Scotland, a range of local and regional economic partnerships were in place. Many of these continue.  Many of these continue, some new partnerships have emerged via City Region and growth deal activity and others are being formed.

Glasgow City Region

Glasgow City Region’s REP, involving eight local authorities, grew out of the £1bn City Region Deal, agreed in 2014.

Building on four years of partnership work linked to the City Region Deal, Glasgow City Region’s REP met for the first time in October 2018.

Partners have engaged on a regional basis in a number of areas, including child poverty, business support, employability, and the refresh of the regional economic strategy.

Find out more about the Glasgow City Region Deal, City Region Cabinet and associated work. View or subscribe to the Glasgow City Region’s YouTube channel.

Aberdeen City & Shire

Aberdeen City and Shire are working with Opportunity North East (ONE) – a private sector, industry-led body- and multiple other partners in their own Regional Economic Partnership.

The 2015 Regional Economic Strategy (RES) sets out a 20 year vision for the North East of Scotland and the £250m City Region Deal provides significant investment to drive forward the ambitions of the region.

Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils and ONE developed the RES and formed the Joint Committee, which governs the City Deal. A wider partnership has formed, including Scottish Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland, academia and Aberdeen Chambers of Commerce, working collaboratively with the Councils and ONE to drive delivery of the RES and to maximise the opportunities and impact on the regional economy. The central role played by the private sector has been pivotal to the partnership’s success.

Find out more about the Aberdeen City Region Deal and associated work.

Edinburgh and South East Scotland

Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region agreed a growth deal with the Scottish and UK Governments in August 2018 for investment worth over £1.3bn. Partners in the region  have agreed to develop a regional Growth Framework, with strong support for development of regional collaboration on economic development and infrastructure investment.

A private sector led Regional Enterprise Council (REC) has been formed, chaired by Leanne Dempster CEO of Hibernian FC. The Council comprises representatives from small, medium, and large enterprises from across the region. The REC will look to develop closer working between the public, private, and third sectors and to champion the regional growth deal nationally and internationally to encourage investment opportunities.

Find out more about the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal and associated work.

Stirling & Clackmannanshire

The local authorities of Stirling and Clackmannanshire have agreed to establish and refine their Regional Partnership governance following the signing of the £90.2 million City Region Deal in February 2020 This will include roles for enterprise and skills agencies, education and skills providers, the third sector, and private sector and business leadership.

Find out more about the Stirling and Clackmannanshire City Region Deal and associated work.

Tay Cities Partnership

The Tay Cities Partnership came together ahead of agreeing their City Region Deal. This Partnership has been led by private sector partners, who have engaged with economic agencies and the constituent Local Authorities.

Heads of Terms for Tay Cities £700m deal were signed in November 2018.

Find out more about the Tay Cities Partnership and associated work.


Head of Terms on a regional growth deal were signed by the three Ayrshire local authorities, the Scottish Government, and the UK Government on the 8th of March 2019.

The three Ayrshire local authorities have formed a Regional Economic Partnership – together with our enterprise and skills agencies, as well as the private sector, education and third sectors, which met for the first time in April 2019.

The REP will deliver scrutiny of the growth deal, is developing a shared regional economic strategy and is using funding allocated as part of the growth deal to grow  Community Wealth Building across the region.

Find out more about the Ayrshire growth deal.

Inverness & Highlands

The £315m City Region Deal was signed in January 2017.

Find out more about the Inverness and Highland City Region Deal and associated work.

Regional partnership working and collaboration is evolving from the economic partnerships already in place. There are a number of strong and long standing partnerships in place across the Highlands and Islands. The Moray Economic Partnership and the Highlands Economic Partnership consist of a range of partners from a range of sectors, and both participate in the Convention of the Highlands and Islands.

South of Scotland

Established in 2020, the South of Scotland Regional Economic Partnership (REP) has a collective ambition to deliver a clear and compelling vision for the economic success of the South of Scotland – one which will harness the efforts of all partners. Its role is to inform the development of and oversee the delivery of the Regional Economic Strategy (RES).  It comprises leading members of Scottish Borders Council, Dumfries and Galloway Council, South of Scotland Enterprise, together with appointed members from business, communities and social enterprise , as well as representatives from registered social landlords, the Third Sector, colleges, universities and public bodies including the Scottish Funding Council, Skills Development Scotland, NHS, Historic Environment Scotland and VisitScotland.  The Partnership is working together for a Green, Fair and Flourishing South of Scotland, embracing the opportunities for an even stronger, fairer, and more sustainable economy.  More on the South of Scotland REP and its strategy for the region can be found at

The REP links into the Convention of the South of Scotland (CoSS), which was established in the 2019 Programme for Government.  CoSS seeks to ‘bring together public bodies with responsibility for growth and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas on priorities and how to tackle key regional issues ‘.

The area will also benefit from investment to support economic growth through the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal and the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal.  The strategic investments through the Borderlands deal will develop the region’s tourism offer, boost digital infrastructure, improve quality of place, create business premises that will enable businesses to grow.   The investment through the City Region Deal will target housing, transport, research and development, employability and skills, and culture.

Find out more about the Borderlands Inclusive Growth deal and the Edinburgh & South East Scotland City Region Deal

Scottish and UK Government officials are continuing to work with Falkirk, Moray, Argyll & Bute, and The Islands on progressing their growth deals and associated regional partnership ambitions.

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